Thursday, February 5, 2009

Coffee, lots of it, and awkward Tuesdays.

Mmmm, so here's what's been going on in my Lots of it, actually, uninterupted coffee with friends. Well, mostly Katie, but she's new every day, so really, it's like I have TONS of different friends with a WHOLE lot going on in their lives. No offense Katie, I love you. :) Jaidyn started Head Start, which is a head start on kindergarten (clever, right?) She goes Monday through Thursday from noon until 4. These 4 hours are glorious. I spend most of it going to coffee, lunch, or getting random facial piercings. Okay, that was only once, but still.... These 4 hours are precious to me for numerous reasons, I'll let you know some of them.

1. I've never not had my daughter, work, or school to be occupied with, or that one time I had a boyfriend. So, basically, these 4 hours are devoted to me and my selfish natures.
2. No child screaming that she has to go potty, that she's bored, that she wants to do something else, or crawling all over me. It's amazing how an actual conversation sounds like without punctuation from a 5 year old.
3. I get to hang out with friends. And they're MY friends, and I don't have to share them with my small human, who thinks they're HER friends.
4. Barnes & Noble, a peppermint white mocha and 3+ hours of ininturupted reading. Nothing better...okay, that's a lie, I can think of a few things that are better, but sitll, on my top ten "nothing better" list.
5. Time to clean the house without it being destroyed right after or during the cleaning process. Okay, so I actually haven't done this yet...but I fully intend to, and it will be amazing.
6.Lunch...I can go anywhere besides McDonald's or Shari's. Amazing!
7. I really needed a break from Jaidyn, she's intense, and God gave me 4 hours 4 days a week. God's good.
8. Sleep...because sometimes there really is nothing better than a nap.
9. Makeup...I can do mine without having to start a movie, get a snack out, watch this, listen to a song or any other thing Jaidyn finds more important than my doing makeup. And, I can go to M.A.C. and have Laurel do my makeup and don't have to worry about Jaidyn being stolen, or knocking over the mannequins she poses with. :)
10. Who says there needs to be a round 10 reasons?

These are some of the reasons I love my 4 hours. But, Jaidyn is totally loving school too! She brings her little backpack and show and tell stuff. So precious. And she's making friends, and she's just happier all around. She asks me every day if it's a school day! Although, on her second day of school she asked me "mommy, am I going to school again today?" And I said "yes, you are going to school today. You will be going almost every day." Her response? "But you should let me skip out on school today, cause then we can snuggle" My daughter, skipping school at age 5. Sweet. So, here's the thing about her school though...So I walk in on her first day of school to pick her up, and who do I almost literally walk into? Scott's mom. Perfect. Because I need socially awkward situations with my ex boyfriend whom I'm no longer speaking to's mother. She totally didn't even recognize me at first, then when we were walking out to the buses, she told Jaidyn to "mind your mother Jaidyn." Strange look "JAIDYN! Oh my gosh, I didn't even recognize you!" How are you, I don't really hear much about you anymore..." Well, duh. That's because your son is an idiot, got scared, we broke up, and is now making bad life choices, including but not limited to, dating a new girl. Yes, that is indeed why you no longer hear about me, Jennifer. But it's going to be really amazing when Jaidyn and you get to actually talk and she points out in her innocent and wise 5 year old way, what a colossal ass he is, because, let's be honest, it's Jaidyn, and she's famous for saying things to mortify me. So to top that awkward situation get's to happen every Tuesday. There's a part of me that wonders, not if, but when and what Jaidyn will say about the whole Scott thing. Because she will. I'm midly concerned, but actually I don't really care. Not that I have anything against his mom, because I sure don't, in fact, I think his parents are great. It's just awkward for me, and I don't like to feel on the spot.

So, besides my coffee consumption...I'm applying for YWAM. The particular one I'm applying for is in Lyon, France and is an art based YWAM, meaning that they use different forms of art for outreach and ministry. I'm almost 100% sure that this is where God wants me! So I'm unbelievably excited for that. And, this is part of the reason I think it's a God thing, they (The YWAM people) are allowing me to bring Jaidyn. It isn't a YWAM Crossroads (that allow parents and children to go, and usually the kids have to be older) it's a regular YWAM and they are not only willing to work with me and Jaidyn, they keep asking me to turn my application in! So amazing! And, I'll get to use makeup as an outreach and ministry for Jesus! Woot!

I'm also excited that I have fingernails. I know it sounds weird, but...I've been a nail biter my WHOLE life, like since I had teeth. And the only other time that they have been long was back when I first started seeing Scott. So, it's like, an uber amazing act of awesomeness and self control that I have nails! See, being happy=long nails.

Oooohhh, and I'm totally waiting on my tax return! Booyah! But, I promised Jesus I wasn't going to blow it...........................or all of it, at least. I'm going to pay off my ticket (stinkin' cops!) pay a month of rent in advance, put 300 in savings and buy a laptop (hopefully, I suck at buying big ticket things though...) And then I'm going to get the other side of my lip pierced...I have my right side done. Speaking of that, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my lip piercing. I just did it the other day, and I can't wait to get the other side done. I'm so hardcore. I won't lie, my lip piercing gives me so much edgy attitude that it's ridiculous. That and my new rocker/biker chick leather's amazing and it feels like butter!
I"m going to totally surprise all of you and let you know something...I haven't bought heels yet. And by bought them yet, I mean, I have not planned to spend chunks of my tax return on shoes. Be so proud of me. :)
And I'm going to give some of it to orphans, of course! I hope Bo won't mind that my 10 dollars a month comes in 20 here, skip a couple months, 50 there, skip a month...ect.
So, basically, I've been busy with coffee consumption, (I now work part time at the same job Katie has, hahaha!) Amani Life Project fasion show planning, which includes copious amounts of myspace creeping teenage girls...I feel dirty, enjoying the awesome weather, playing with Jaidyn and trying to get her to tell me what she learned that day, work, and talking with my friends and finding an accountability partner....yay Lisa for making sure I don't fritter, and yay Katie for coffee and bible reading although this week we failed at that. And trying to not make an ass of myself on Tuesday afternoons. ;)

Trying to cram more life into my life and O.D. on coffee,


1 comment:

  1. Mmm.. Can never have enough coffee. :) YWAM sounds absolutely amazing, & in FRANCE! ahh! I just was in France a month ago, It's amazing!! I'm really into travelling and JESUS so this is something that I really want to look into after graduation. I've decided that going into the work force right after college is a waste, I want to see the world and spread the good news!! :)

    That's awesome that you get 4 hours "me-time" 4 days a week. I go crazy if I don't get time to myself. Mornings are my time, I love drinking a huge cup of coffee and relaxing before the hectic day. Anyways, I love your blog. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
